Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Urban Legends/Real Supernatural Threats Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, A renowned supernatural scientist has spilled all as to what the threat coming from the drone sa...
Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: 30 Days To Certain Disaster Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, The drone crisis is just the beginning as an expert has stepped forward saying a big announcement in coming ...
Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Dastardly Drones, Rude Robots, & No-Show Nessie Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Drone speculation is officially out of control and we sit down and straighten some stuff...
Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Sentient Robots & Animal Spirits Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, An exact date has been given that President-Elect Donald Trump will release the secret files on UFO an...
Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Invasions? & Rick-Rolling Ghosts Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, A UFO expert says aliens WEREN'T involved in the Rendlesham Forest incident! Three people die whe...
Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Bigfoot & Nessie Strike Again Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Rumors of a secretive Pentagon UFO data retrieval program emerge! A report of an unusual "paranormal abus...