The Leader in Paranormal Podcasting!
Darkness Radio

Darkness Radio Million-Airs Club

We recently drew the winners of the Darkness Radio Million-Airs Club "One in a Million" Prize Pack contest! The OIAMPP goes to one special Grand Prize Winner! We have drawn 12 Appreciation Winners (who will be contacted by email individually) who will receive a special prize as well. Thank you to everyone who entered this contest, we love each and every one of you, and remember... tell your friends and family about Darkness Radio, because the sooner we get to another Million, the quicker we do another contest!!! Here are your winners! 


One In A Million Prize Pack Winner

Stacey Zezech


Appreciation Winners

Margaret Breckenridge

Wes Deviers

Chad Dino

Joe Kistner

Kevin Leonard

William Moore

Shane O Leary

Lasse Povlsen

Jennifer Price

Christina Ranalet

Josh Sanchez

Nicholas Spina!


Congratulations to our winners! and thank you all for taking valuable time out of your day for allowing us to indulge in our craft.  We love and appreciate YOU for that!!