BEYOND the DARKNESS delivers the Weird and Wonderous today with Supernatural News & ParaShare. Modern Day Witch Murders, Creepy things kids say about Reincarnation, Jose Canseco warns us of Time Traveling Aliens & More high s...
BEYOND the DARKNESS enters The Shadow Realms of Demonology with Carl Johnson PLUS a New Theater of the Mind. Demonologist and paranormal investigator Carl Johnson is back to discuss his new book, Shadow Realms: Demonology Han...
BEYOND the DARKNESS Supernatural News & ParaShare Saturday is here! Live a little, Laugh a lot with the Laurel and Hardy of paranormal talk radio! LISTEN HERE: The boys uncover the weirdest news bits this week, Dave is excite...
BEYOND the DARKNESS meets The Undertakers Daughter in today's brand new episode! Margo Lenmark has led an unusually gifted life, as the daughter of the town mortician she has seen all facets of life, death & the afterlife. Ma...
BEYOND the DARKNESS dives deep into strange with Supernatural News/ParaShare Saturday! Today we report on a touching Ghost visitation, a Time Traveling Dictator, a Deadly Paranormal Encounter & More! Listeners Share their rea...
BEYOND the DARKNESS is Chasing American Monsters with Jason Offutt. From Alabama to Wyoming and every state in between, the United States is crawling with monsters lurking in the dark corners, just waiting for the right momen...
BEYOND the DARKNESS is back with Supernatural News/ParaShare! Listen here--> Laugh with us, cowering in fear with us and shake your head in complete confusion with us today with tales of the CIA & Noah's Ark, A Flat Earth Cru...
BEYOND the DARKNESS dives head first into the deep state and visits with a man named Randy, who was recruited by MK Ultra at a young age and exploited. Randy's life was then infused with everything from illicit sex parties, …
BEYOND the DARKNESS celebrates it's 13th Anniversary with the strange news stories to break & shares more of your paranormal encounters in the first Supernatural News/Parashare segment of 2019. The Soviet Union once used mind...